Friday, May 11, 2007


Hi Everyone,

Sorry 'bout being absent for so long. Long story, short blog. ;)

I've found a new hobby in my absence, lock picking.

Yep, you heard me correctly. Lock picking.

No, I haven't gone all criminal or anything. It's been a hobby in the hacker community for ages, and it's gaining popularity as a general thing. It's truly interesting, and more than a little scary, to see how easily locks can be popped open with a little skill. Just as a heads up, there are areas of the country where if you're caught with lock picks, you're screwed. It all depends on what you're state law is.

Trust your old Uncle Wookie, it's fun stuff.

OK, now for a few unadorned and unadulterated links:

SouthOrd - The type of picks I'm using. Great quality & reasonable prices.
Peterson International - Higher end picks. Also higher prices, but you get what you pay for.
HPC - Don't have too much info on these guys, but am including them for completeness.

Locksport Communities:
Lock Picking 101 - A community forum devoted to Locksmithing and Locksport.
Toool - Based in the Netherland. Toool is a premier Locksport community
Locksport International - The name says it all! :)

For the Chicago and Florida crowd :
USpy Store - A place that sells picks. Is associated with a P.I. agency and will not sell picks to anyone not legally entitled to buy them. (Hi Ray! :) )

Just as a legal disclaimer: I DO NOT advocate unauthorized entry, use of lock picks for illegal or nefarious purposes, ownership of lock picks where it is explicity illegal, or any other form of criminal or illegal activities. I do not condone any form illegal behavior, and do not assume any liability for how the information presented is used. I present it purely for informational purposes only!!!!!!!

Talk to you all soon!
