Saturday, March 29, 2008

If you want my body...

Hi Everybody,

Yep, 1st post of '08.

Just as a heads up, I've added new link off to the right. It's marked "Newbie Nudes", and IT'S NOT WORK SAFE. In other words, don't click on it if you're under 18, at work, or otherwise not looking for anything puriant. If you do want to take a lookie-loo, and aren't covered by any of the afore mentioned clauses, by all means, go right ahead and enjoy. ;)

In other news, sorry I've been away for a while. Things have been a smidge chaotic for me. I'm not at liberty to say much out of respect for some of the people involved, but basicly the old rule of "bad things happening in 3s" was in effect for me. :( If you're in my "inner circle" you know about things, otherwise, things are copacetic now. :)

Well, were to the part of the show where I post the "wacky and wicked cool" websites...

The first up is The 80's Movie Rewind. It's a great retro themed website that covers all the '80s movies us Gen-Xers remember so IMDB of '80s goodness if you will. :)

Next up is the first in a series of Bert and Ernie parodies an YouTube. Be warned, it's not kid safe, but it's hilarious! The rest of the series can be found here. Viagra Milk, anyone... ;)

Unfortunatly, I need to scoot. I'm dead tired and am desperate need of some shut-eye. Trust me, you don't want to see a cranky Wookie...

Roar at you again soon. :)



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