Back from the so called dead
Hi everyone,
Wookieboy's back on the air...after 5 fracking years.
Now let's see where to begin? Okay:
1) I'm an uncle now. Out of respect for my niece, sister and brother-in-law, I won't be giving out many details here on the blog. If you know who I am irl, contact me, and I'll fill you in on the cuteness.
2) Job status: still hunting. If you're an employer reading this through my LinkedIn profile, I look forward to hearing from you.
3) Relationship status: <redacted>
4) Location: Still in Exile on Main Street
"This is one boring honking post,Wookie!" I hear you saying. "Liven it friggin' up, already." My response: "Please, give me a little bit! I'm rustier than the Titanic over here!" I jest, of course. Hopefully things'll be back flowing again soon.
Roar at ya later,